Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Happy (Colorful) Birthday Girl

My "Badge of Honor" (or maybe at
my age "Horror")  from my Cali-girl
that serendipitiously went with the
nail color that I rarely if ever use!
 I love hearing people say, "Happy Birthday." I love it not just when it is directed at me, but I love hearing people say it to others also. Yesterday, was my birthday, however, and I was the recipient of many "Happy Birthday's".  Throughout
the day I got phone calls, texts, e-mails,
messages on FB and
in person wishes
and hugs.

AND if the friends who called, texted, facebooked, and maybe even had a chance to say it in person, thought they were over doing it, let me reassure them that I didn't mind one little bit!

                           All the wishes truly made my day.

From Daughter-mama and SIL, Mr. C.
My birthday is precious to me for many reasons. First, it signifies that I am indeed alive, which is a huge plus for any day! Second, to me it marks an ending of one year and the beginning of another, more so even than New Year's does. It is my "personal" new year. It makes it even better that my birthday falls mid year because it gives me a chance to rethink those actual New Year's resolutions a bit. It is like a semi-annual appointment for me to give myself a performace review. I get a chance to see how I am doing and then point out to myself where I need to dig in a little more or maybe even let go of something that I thought would work, but really isn't fitting in at all.

I will spare you the details, but this year's review grade wasn't quite what it should have been. That is where the "Happy Birthday's" come in.

So cute card, book and pen that help
motivate me from Son and Amost DIL!
 No matter where I have fallen short of my hopes, dreams, and goals for this year, hearing all the birthday wishes and being showered with all the love reminds me that it's ok. I am ok. Goals are good. Striving for personal growth in order to become the best "Me" I can possibly be is also a good thing. But, the biggest goal of all should be "people". Creating and maintaining relationships, I think, is  the key to keeping any person well and at their personal best. I know my relationships with God, my family, and my friends mean everything to me, so when I get the "Happy Birthday", or a smile, or a hug, from any of the above, I am good to go!!! So bring on the next months and let me see what I can do with the rest of that goal list.....I love, and I am loved, and really, that is all that I need to recharge and be ready to tackle what comes my way.

Necklace from Hubs
that tied in my green
dress with my hot pink nails!
Another happy accident!
Sooo, that got a little more involved than I intended. I think I am procrastinating about trying to upload photos.

Oh my goodness, I DID IT!!!!
I added photos!
You have no idea what an achievement
this is for me! I am the most tech-clumsy and
impaired blog person I know!

Anyway, summing up the birthday events...
I had a great "simple" but beautiful day.
I got my "Happy Hour" celebration with my family (minus Cali-girl)
and everything that was seemingly at loose ends fell
into place such as the fact that on a whim
I painted my nails (both toes and fingers) the brightest pink I have ever used and then decided to wear bright lime green. The necklace from Hubs as well as Cali-girl's sweet (and very inappropriately funny) birthday badge (that arrived in the mail on the actual day) made the nail color and outfit work. Daughter-mama and my SIL (Mr. C.) gave me a gorgeous Tea Towel (that I think will become an apron) and had the exact color of teal on it that I am thinking of painting my kitchen cabinets. (They also gave me that amazing coffee mug and cute little jar in the photo.) Looking at their gift kind of makes me think the teal color for the cabinets is a "go".

The card my sweet mom sent made me cry. (Which means it made me very happy.) And finally, I opened a marvelous scented candle and candle holder from Son and Soon-to-be DIL that was the exact one I had wanted to get just a while back, but passed up because it was a "worse-than-usual" budget month. How serendipitious is that? That is how my life works though! And I love that it works that way! And I am ever so grateful for the loves of my life and all the "Happy Birthdays"

Thanks for stopping by, reading through this (if you did). I promise to keep it shorter (I really do), now that I know how to upload photos! Hurray!
Love to all!


  1. Good job with the pics Mim! And I love your writing, I can really hear you talking when I read your posts, so keep those long posts up if you so wish. Glad you had a serendipitous birthday, you deserve the best. Much live from your "cali-girl"!

  2. Yay!!! You're doing it!!! I love the blog and think this last post was great...especially the addition of the photos. Keep up the good work! You are helping me stay motivated to do my own blog : )
